Mom of Three on a Mission

NEVER in a million years did I think I'd be on this path... NEVER did I think I'd be able to overcome my addiction to food and the vicious cycle and control it had over my life. NEVER did I think I would be able to work out from home and see results, and in 20-30 minutes nonetheless. NEVER did I think I'd be sitting here after 3 kiddos feeling stronger than ever and in the best shape of my life physically, mentally, and spiritually! But here's the thing, sometimes it takes something bigger than you to make you realize you were made for more and can do it. Most importantly, remember your goals and your vision for your life, and don't ever lose sight of it. The hardest part is starting - thank you Shayla and INSPIRE Wellness for your support, coaching, community, and health.

(Monica, 40)


Stepped Outside My Comfort Zone


Sixty-six Pounds Lost in One Year!