LSVT BIG Changed My Life

When I started working with INSPIRE, I was unable to walk more than a couple of steps, and my wife was pushing me in a wheelchair. Within a few sessions, I was using my walker instead of the wheelchair, and one of my main concerns was these episodes of freezing where I was unable to move. Dr. Adams addressed my goals immediately and together we’ve added many tools to use to help with the freezing. Today, I am able to walk quite a distance without stopping. Working with a Doctor of Physical Therapy who specializes in Parkinson’s disease is life-changing. I am now able to easily go to baseball games, play with my grandkids, go out to dinner with confidence, and travel with my wife thanks to INSPIRE and the LSVT BIG program!

- Robert; graduate of LSVT BIG program (74)


I Am Back On The Court!


INSPIRE helped me return to hiking…